Carl is 8 months old, neutered and up to date on shots. He is your typical cat and really does his own thing most of the day. But, he can surprise you with his funny antics! He likes to hide in unusual places and jump out at you to surprise you. You can almost hear him laughing as he walks away with satisfaction. He likes to play and chase the other cats, bounding through the house purring and meowing with enthusiasm and glee. He is a funny cat who when you least expect it will make you laugh with his quirky personality. He likes to great you in the morning at his food bowl and purrs VERY loudly, excited about the prospect of new fresh morning food and company. He likes to be petted while he eats and as usual will make a game out of any attention he gets. Carl is a great, fun loving cat that is ok with dogs and children. If you need a reminder to not take life so seriously, Carl can definitely be your guide!