Hi my name is Chloe, and I have been asked if I could spare a few minutes of my busy day to tell ya’ll a bit about myself. I am a princess and that is all you really need to know. I like to play but only after I have gotten to know you and once I deem you worthy I will let you cuddle and pet me. I am a shapely girl who would enjoy living in a home that is quiet, and preferably one where I am appreciated for all of my feline attributes. I have had my front claws removed to save myself time on grooming. My former owner did not work very much at socializing me so my adjustment into my foster home was a little stressful but now I rule them all with a furry paw. I live with two other cats and I like them just fine. Come out and meet me and I will see if we get along. Every house needs a good cat and seriously folks I am the best one there is!